Imminent Conquest Page 23
Bryan got to his feet. “Where are the cops? You'd think there would be one around during a crisis.” He looked like a coiled up spring. “Will you return the photos?"
"I already did."
Bryan mumbled. “I wouldn't normally say this but this one time you're forgiven for breaking into my house. Just don't do it again."
Michael laughed. For the first time since Nicole had met him in Eastwynd, his mood was lighter.
Bryan chuckled. “I'll wait for them outside while I think.” He left.
"Why would Colin want to blackmail his own brother?” Nicole asked, tilting her head to meet his shiny blue eyes.
"He wanted a sense of control because Dad so nearly wrote him out of his will. He wanted to hold the same threat above my head. If there was ever any dispute over the inheritance, he would shush me up with the photograph."
"Is he dead?"
"I don't know.” He lowered his head and kissed her. “Marry me? I'm not the most romantic guy in the world but I swear I'll do right by you. I'll love and cherish you every day for the rest of my life and beyond."
"Yes,” was all she could say as he ravished her lips.
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* * * *
"Do you think he'll ever find Cathy?” Nicole asked Michael as they seated themselves at the wedding reception. All their friends and most of Eastwynd had shown up for the wedding at his home by an azure blue lake. The sun shone on both the snow and the revellers. In the reception hall, a band played light rock and merrymakers laughed and talked animatedly.
They both glanced at Bryan who laughed out loud at something Libby had said. His eyes remained sad and slightly unfocused.
"I don't know. I suspect she may not be found at all. Colin had a way of hiding things and making them hard to find."
"Is he still alive, you think?"
"We'll find out come spring. He might be buried under the snow or a wild animal ate him."
Nicole grimaced.
"What do you think they're talking about?” Michael asked, directing his gaze at Libby and Bryan.
"Maybe about the pickup Libby was driving that night and how it crashed into a snow bank. Bryan's door opened and he fell out.” Nicole giggled. “It does sound funny. Especially when he tells that bit about Libby being a private dick."
"He fully intended to roll out of the truck to prevent Libby from getting hurt. Funny he got thrown out. Maybe something to do with irony."
"Is she still working on her correspondence course?"
"I'm pretty sure she is. She wants to get a licence so she can investigate stuff on her own."
"As if there isn't enough adventure already."
Michael grinned. “She claims once adventure is in your blood, it's there to stay and make a nuisance."
"What happened to Willy?"
"They're on the off part of their on-again, off-again affair."
"Do you think they'll ever get married?"
"Stranger things have happened."
The partygoers, led by Bryan, tinkled their forks against the long-stemmed, crystal champagne glasses.
"I think this is where we're supposed to stand up and kiss.” Nicole gazed into her husband's twinkling eyes.
"Like we haven't already the last twenty times,” he pretended to grumble.
She pulled him to his feet, drew him against her voluminous white wedding dress and planted a hearty kiss on his lips.
"Is that all I get?"
Nicole smiled. “You want more?"
He nodded. “Always."
"I wanted to tell you a little secret,” she said, near his ear.
He groaned. “I've had enough of those to last a lifetime."
"This is a good secret."
He pursed his lips. “I can't imagine a good one."
"I had a little trouble getting into my gown,” she hinted.
His eyes widened. “You're going to have a baby?"
"Not just any baby,” she said, patting her still flat stomach. “Our baby."
"This calls for more celebration,” he said, lifting her into his arms and stomping off.
"Hey!” Bryan called out. “Where are the bride and groom going?"
"We have some unfinished business to attend to,” Michael called out, kicking the door open, as the whole crowd groaned.
The last thing they heard was Libby calling out, “Theirs is a match made in bed, don't ya know?"
"Is that true?” Michael asked, settling Nicole in the limousine.
"She missed something important."
His eyebrows shot up.
"It's also a match made in heaven.
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About the Author
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Aurora Rose Lynn, a bestselling erotica author, lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and conure. She enjoys writing romance with a sensual twist but first and foremost her stories must be about love. When she isn't writing romance, she writes young adult and fantasy stories under a pen name.
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Aurora loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at
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Also by Aurora Rose Lynn
Blue Dragon Challenge
Lust or Go Bust
Lonely Hearts
Call Number
Silent Witness
Mistress of the Damned
Sex Anyone?
Rules of Arrest
Riding Shotgun: Shotgun Bride
Riding Shotgun: Wanted!
Tempting Texans: Wild Ride
Tempting Texans: Ravishing Sara
Sex in Sessions: Wrong Side of the Law
Sex in Sessions: Chocolate Temptation
Sex in Sessions: Wicked Woman
Sex in Session: Kiss Me... If You dare
Fugitive: Sinfully Decadent
RoadsideWarriors: Lady Jaguar
Roadside Warriors: Moon of Sacrifice
Heatwave: Vampire's Captive
Brits in Time: To Conquer a Lady
Christmas Spirits: Fantasies
Over the Moon: Stripped Bare
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Table of Contents
Trademarks Acknowledgement
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
About the Author
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